Sales Navigator vs Starleads

January 18, 2023
Sales Navigator vs Starleads

In this article, we'll compare two popular digital tools used by salespeople: Sales Navigator and Starleads. These tools are designed to help salespeople improve their efficiency and productivity at work by offering them the functionalities that are right for their job.

Sales Navigator, what is it?

LinkedIn Sales Navigator facilitates commercial prospecting by offering you prospects Relevant thanks to its advanced algorithm. It also allows you to monitor the activity of your prospects and easily register them to start targeted conversations.

What is a targeting tool?

A targeting tool allows you to target the most promising prospects skilled for your business based on various criteria such as their profile, geographic location, purchase history, etc. This can help you optimizing your marketing and sales strategy by focusing on the people who are most likely to buy your products or services. This tool can make you economize time and effort by focusing uniquely On the most popular prospects Relevant for your business.

Sales Navigator, its features:

Designed exclusively for Commercials in order to target. It allows the creation of a list of prospects and segment the most relevant for the business. It is a LinkedIn extension with more advanced search criteria and which allows you to follow them without connecting with them. The news feed is more consistent.

By subscribing to the Sales Navigator subscription, LinkedIn users can access a database of millions of professionals, with advanced search and filtering features to target the most relevant prospects for their business. Sales Navigator also gives them the ability to easily connect with these prospects and create targeted lists for a better prospecting.

In short, Sales Navigator is an indispensable tool for businesses looking to develop their sales pipeline using LinkedIn as a professional social network. It offers advanced features for finding new customers and potential partners, as well as for building strong connections with them. With Sales Navigator, businesses can increase their visibility And their performance on LinkedIn, by effectively targeting the prospects that are most relevant to their business.

It allows

  • Sales Navigator gives users access to detailed data about potential prospects, including their professional title, place of work, and contact information. This information can be used to create lists of targeted prospects and to better understand the people and activities of these prospects.
  • Sales Navigator allows you to connect potential customers using LinkedIn, sending InMail messages, connecting to LinkedIn, or even meeting in person. Sales Navigator also offers tools for researching And of filtering powerful to help you generate leads by targeting businesses and people based on location, position, business size, etc. You can create targeted lists of prospects for future use, and even connect Sales Navigator directly to your CRM for more leads.


Its characteristics:

1 - Save time

Starleads is a tool that allows you to Save time And of prioritize your phone calls in order to maximize your conversion rate. Starleads explores your prospecting file by calling phone numbers and recording the path until someone answers. It is able to determine whether it is a human or a robot that is responding and the reactivity of the standard, so you know what to expect and prioritize your calls accordingly. With this information, you can avoid running into answering machines or secretaries and increase your conversion rate.

2 — Keep prospecting files up to date

Starleads is a tool that allows you to keep your prospecting files up to date with reliable and relevant data directly from your prospects. To do this, Starleads completes a qualification in three steps:

  • Data validation
  • Data modification or completion
  • Data enrichment.

During these steps, Starleadconfirms or correct the information that he has, modifies or completes the prospecting files and collects unknown information by asking open questions to the interlocutor. Starleads is also capable of Detect objections and answer them, allowing you to launch calls strategically with confidence.

3 — Get a head start

Starleads allows you to start your telephone prospecting campaign with a head start by providing you with information that will allow you to optimize your strategy. For example, the reachability score, the number of call attempts and the duration of the call will help you choose the most suitable communication channel for your target, whether by phone, email or LinkedIn. In addition, by having identified the nature of the standard and by having updated data thanks to the exchange with your prospects, you can use this information as Ice-Breakers to make it easier to start a conversation and make it look like you already know the business. Finally, by prioritizing your calls according to the responsiveness of your targets, you can save time and better organize your prospecting sessions.

What if we compared?

2 interesting and complementary tools, if you have any questions about Starleads, please contact our experts. They are always ready to answer you and help you personalize your needs.

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